
belong to fennel Learn more about belong to fennel

  • Heilongjiang fennel, a cold-water economic fish with high culture value

    Heilongjiang fennel, a cold-water economic fish with high culture value

    Heilongjiang fennel belongs to salmon-shaped order, fennel family, fennel genus, commonly known as spotted trout, red scale fish. In China, it is produced in the upper reaches of Heilongjiang River, Nenjiang River, Mudanjiang River, Wusuli River, Songhua River, Suifen River and so on. Foreign countries are distributed along the coast of the Sea of Okhotsk in Russia and the Sea of Japan. There are two other subspecies of fennel in China: Yalu River fennel from the Yalu River and Arctic fennel from the Ertix River Basin. The appearance and habits of the above-mentioned Sanya species are quite similar, only the geographical distribution is different. Heilongjiang fennel

  • The Beginning of Autumn can harvest fennel in two months after planting fennel

    The Beginning of Autumn can harvest fennel in two months after planting fennel

    When it comes to fennel, I think of the steamed buns my mother used in fennel bags. I really can't stand the smell, but I like it when I block my mother. Every year, we have to make room for my mother to grow fennel in my vegetable garden. Fennel.

  • A good project to get rid of poverty and become rich-fennel calamus planting

    A good project to get rid of poverty and become rich-fennel calamus planting

    First, what is fennel calamus? fennel calamus is a perennial herb of the genus Gladiolus in Araceae. Sichuan is called hand-washing incense, while Guizhou is called.

  • What are the common spices? Introduction of 27 kinds of common spices

    What are the common spices? Introduction of 27 kinds of common spices

    Spices, we can't do without it. You need it for cooking, for soup, and sometimes even for medicine. So do you know what our common spices are? Let's get to know each other today. Common spice plants: 1.

  • Key points of cultivation and management of fennel

    Key points of cultivation and management of fennel

    Fennel, also known as Xiaohuaixiang, also known as coriander, cumin, fennel seed, millet (Sichuan, Guizhou), fragrant, tender leaves for vegetables, is the stem of cumin, is the dried ripe fruit of Umbelliferae plant fennel. It originated in Tang Materia Medica. Su Song said that northerners called it

    2020-11-08 Fennel fragrant cultivation management key points fennel coriander also original name
  • What are the efficacy, functions and taboos of cumin in Umbelliferae? Can you cure insomnia?

    What are the efficacy, functions and taboos of cumin in Umbelliferae? Can you cure insomnia?

    When it comes to fennel, we should be no stranger to it, it is a common condiment in our daily life, and cumin also has the functions of medicine, seasoning and consumption. What are the effects, functions and taboos of fennel? Can you cure insomnia? How do you eat it? Fennel

    2020-11-09 "Umbelliferae " fennel incense efficacy and effect
  • Fennel planting method: how to grow cumin? What is the suitable temperature for cumin planting?

    Fennel planting method: how to grow cumin? What is the suitable temperature for cumin planting?

    Cumin is the main developing cash crop in our state. Many people grow cumin, so how to grow it? Do you know? Next, we will start from the environmental requirements of cumin cultivation, the morphological characteristics of cumin and the cultivation requirements of cumin.

    2019-01-17 Fennel planting method cumin how suitable temperature is
  • These vegetable doctors love that it has the effect of invigorating the stomach and invigorating qi, and it can prolong life, cure asthma and calm the mind.

    These vegetable doctors love that it has the effect of invigorating the stomach and invigorating qi, and it can prolong life, cure asthma and calm the mind.

    Fennel seedlings can be eaten, use it to wrap big steamed buns and add pork, the steamed buns can meet the types of steamed buns, and eat another flavor. Clean the young leaves of fennel, cut them into small pieces and mix them with salt, monosodium glutamate and sesame oil.

  • Angelica sinensis yellow Phoenix butterfly

    Angelica sinensis yellow Phoenix butterfly

    Angelica yellow butterfly, also known as fennel butterfly, belongs to Lepidoptera, Butterfly family. The main results are as follows: 1. the larvae are harmful to the larvae and bite the leaves at night, resulting in a lack of engraves. in severe cases, the leaves are eaten up, leaving only petioles and veins, and flowers and fruits are also eaten. The insect has a large food intake, which seriously affects the growth of Angelica sinensis and reduces the yield. 2. morphological characteristics of adults: they are large butterflies, which can be divided into spring and summer types. The summer type is about 25 mm long, the wingspan is 90 mm, and the spring type is slightly smaller. The body is yellow, with black stripes running through the back. The front and rear wings are yellow.

  • Key points of annual production technology of anise

    Key points of annual production technology of anise

    Anise is an annual herb of Umbelliferae and anise. Originated in Eurasia, mainly in Greece and Egypt. Seeds can be used as food seasoning and medicine, and seedlings can be used as green vegetables or salad side dishes. The main results are as follows: (1) the botanical characteristic plant is high 35~40cm, the plant shape is slender, the whole plant has a very fresh aromatic smell, and the taproot is spindle-shaped. The stem is thick, cylindrical, with shallow grooves on it, branched on the upper part of the stem, nearly rounded to reniform in the lower part of the stem, with blunt notches, long petioles, and the upper leaves of the stem are cleft, almost

  • The knack of fattening meat geese

    The knack of fattening meat geese

    Goose breeding is a traditional farming industry in rural areas, not only the investment cost is low, but also the breeding prospect is good, so many people raise geese, and if they want to raise geese well, they must quickly fattening out of the fence. What are the tips for fattening meat geese? First, what is the secret of fattening meat geese

    2020-11-11 Meat goose fattening know-how raising geese yes rural traditional
  • Vegetable planting knowledge: vegetable rotation

    Vegetable planting knowledge: vegetable rotation

    Reasonable rotation of different vegetables can make pathogens lose parasitism or change their living environment, so as to achieve the purpose of reducing or eliminating diseases and insect pests. Such as spring onions and garlic.

  • Reasonable rotation of different vegetables has high efficiency! Rotation of 16 kinds of vegetables

    Reasonable rotation of different vegetables has high efficiency! Rotation of 16 kinds of vegetables

    Reasonable rotation of different vegetables can make pathogens lose parasitism or change their living environment, so as to achieve the purpose of reducing or eliminating diseases and insect pests. Such as spring onions and garlic.

  • This rotation of vegetables leads to a bowl full of melons and fruits.

    This rotation of vegetables leads to a bowl full of melons and fruits.

    Reasonable rotation of different vegetables can make pathogens lose parasitism or change their living environment, so as to achieve the purpose of reducing or eliminating diseases and insect pests. Such as spring onions and garlic.

  • Eight Immortals rosette spot

    Eight Immortals rosette spot

    [distribution and harm] Hydrangeamacrophylla, also known as Hydrangea, is planted all over China, which is a deciduous shrub. There are more virus infections, and ringspot is the most common. Generally latent, the seriously ill are dwarfed, and there are few or no flowers. [symptoms] the leaves are shrunk and the stems sometimes show necrotic spots. When inoculated with diseased plants, the old leaves showed chlorotic spots, brown ring spots or oak leaves. [pathogen] virus HyRSV, also belongs to potato virus Y group. Particles linear, 47 in length

  • Differences between yellow sprouts, cabbage, cabbage and cabbage

    Differences between yellow sprouts, cabbage, cabbage and cabbage

    Differences between yellow sprouts, cabbage, cabbage and cabbage

  • What are the planting methods of patchouli seeds in Labiatae? What is the effect and effect? What are the side effects?

    What are the planting methods of patchouli seeds in Labiatae? What is the effect and effect? What are the side effects?

    Patchouli, also known as Hexiang, Cangao, mountain fennel, etc., belongs to the lip-shaped order, Labiatae perennial herbs, with edible and medicinal value, widely cultivated in China. So do you know what are the planting methods of patchouli seeds? What is the effect and effect? What are the side effects? Seed planting method of patchouli

  • How long does the latest star anise tree species bear fruit?

    How long does the latest star anise tree species bear fruit?

    Star anise belongs to the evergreen tree of Illiciaceae, which is mainly distributed in China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand and so on. China is mainly distributed in Guangxi, Guangdong, Yunnan, Fujian, Sichuan and other places. It is a unique economic forest species in southern China and has high planting value.

    2020-11-10 Latest star anise tree species how long fruit belong to fennel family
  • Another name for patchouli. What should I call it?

    Another name for patchouli. What should I call it?

    Patchouli is a valuable medicinal material, which belongs to herbs. Its florescence is from June to September, and it is necessary to meet its growth habits when cultivating patchouli.

  • Growth advantage of kumquat

    Growth advantage of kumquat

    Golden orange was originally distributed in our provinces in the East and South China Sea, especially in Guangdong. In addition, South China and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River are also widely cultivated. Now kumquat has become one of the important New year's flowers, deeply loved by the general public.
